Where and how did you get started as an artist?

I’ve been drawn to origami since I was a small child. In first grade I learned how to fold a paper crane and have been hooked ever since. Throughout my life I’ve folded items in order to work on my concentration, memory, and to simply relax. Origami is easy to take with you so I always have paper on hand in order to fold when the mood hits.

Who or what inspires and influences you?

I find that I am drawn to the works of Tomoko Fuse, Makoto Yamaguchi, and Naomiki Sato. They all have created impressive origami that inspires me to expand my creativity.

What type of art do you create?

I love making flowers out of paper because they don’t wither and die. My house is filled with origami decorations and useful containers. Beyond that I am a heavy crafter who loves to sew and crochet. I like to make functional items but also love decorations that last.

What materials do you use?

I use traditional origami papers as well as antique wall papers and decorative wrapping papers for some of my larger pieces. I also recycle old phone book pages, magazines, and calendars in some of my folding projects.

How long have you been an artist?

I’ve been an avid origami folder since I was seven years old. Origami is accessible and can be done cheaply which lent itself well to a child who was eager to create. I really began to focus on learning more challenging origami as a college student. As such it’s difficult to say how long since origami has been a part of me for most of my life.